The sixth biennial Mayors Summit, C40’s flagship event started on November 30, in Ciudad de México and it will last till December 2, 2016. Hosted by Mayor of Ciudad de México Miguel Ángel Mancera and led by C40 Chair, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes, the event draws mayors and leading thinkers from around the world to advance a shared agenda through collaboration and knowledge sharing, and increase visibility about the global potential of climate actions in cities.
C40 Mayors, city representatives, and hundreds of urban and sustainability leaders are already gathered in Mexico City to discuss urban solutions to climate change and highlighting the leadership role of cities in addressing climate change and implementing the Paris agreement.
I am really excited to make the key-note opening lecture in the session “Cities in the Circular Economy: New Models for Managing Materials and Driving Green Growth”. The details of the event can be found at the website of the sixth biennial Mayors Summit. Together with speakers like Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Director of Buildings and Industry, ClimateWorks Foundation, who will chair the session, Deputy Mayor Choho (Amsterdam), Deputy Mayor Rodrigues (London), Councillor Penny Hulse (Auckland), and Mayor Stanton (Phoenix) we will try to drive the discussion about how cities can maximise resource efficiency and keep materials in the production cycle for as long as possible in order to enjoy a growing competitive advantage in the era of increasing resource scarcity. Cities will present how they are moving towards a more integrated circular economy by reducing waste, improving resource recovery, and working with businesses and the public to deliver more sustainable production and consumption models.
The event’s agenda includes many interesting sessions about climate change and the urban response required, smart cities, waste management and circular economy. You can watch the event live by using this link.