May 2017 ENTREVISTA April 2017 CGTN America January 2017 Avfall och Miljö January 2017 O mundo de olho no lixo brasileiro September 2016 World ISWA congress opens in Novi Sad September 20th, 2016 Report: Global dumpsite hazards led to 750 deaths in 7 months September 2th, 2016 Augmented Reality comes to waste management | Resource Magazine September 2016 Commentary: The Circular Economy from concept to project August 2016 “LA GENERACIÓN DE RESIDUOS EVIDENCIA LA IMPERFECCIÓN DEL CONSUMO” July 2016 Is it possible to have a Wasteless future? April 8th, 2016 ‘Circular economy’ and ‘fourth industrial revolution’ not a threat to waste management future April 2016 From Refuse to Resource | Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize | URA December 2015 Third Industrial Revolution & the future of recycling October 23th, 2015 Wasted Opportunity October 14th, 2015 LARAC told of future impact of technology October, 2015 25 million views for ISWA’s Wasted Health report in Brazil September 28th, 2015 Report Calls for Alliance to Solve Escalating Global Health Emergency Threat Posed to Millions by Open Dumpsites September 8th, 2015 ISWA calls open dumps a “Global Health Emergency” February 2015 Cities are here to stay December 10th, 2014 HACIA UNA MEJOR GESTIÓN DE RESIDUOS EN LAS CIUDADES: ENTREVISTA CON ANTONIS MAVROPOULOS December 10th, 2014 Better Waste Management in cities: Interview with Antonis Mavropoulos October 6th, 2014 Smelly, contaminated, full of disease: the world’s open dumps are growing June 2nd, 2014 60 seconds interview with Antonis Mavropoulos January 2014 Crowdsourcing for waste management December 2013 UMA MONTANHA QUE SÓ cresce October 30th, 2013 Humans on course to triple daily waste by 2100 August 12th, 2013 ISWA Publication award 2013 August 7th, 2013 Waste Management as a human right July 2013 BEYOND FACT AND FIGURES – OVERCOMING TODAY’S WASTE CHALLENGES April 3rd, 2012 Para gerir resíduos é preciso unir o governo e as pessoas March 1st, 2010 Waste Management 2030+ February 24th, 2010 Argentine Recycling