EWAS, statistics, wasteless future, internet of bins, smart sensors, the future of recycling, D-Waste

At the beginning of November, a new platform for benchmarking and social engagement in recycling and waste collection activities arrived, the Life EWAS platform. The platform, which was prepared by D-Waste and its partners in the specific Life program, presents online the results of the waste collection optimisation that is achieved through the use of smart sensors in bins, usually named as the Internet of Bins, in the areas of Sevilla (Spain) and Chania (Greece).  To view the results you have to go to the tab Statistics. The online –  interactive statistics present a remarkable reduction in fuel consumption per tonne of collected waste as well as in distance travelled per tonne of collected waste due to the use of smart sensors in bins.

The Life EWAS platform  informs citizens about the importance and the benefits of recycling, gives tips to the citizens in order to recycle properly and thus help their municipality in achieving its waste management goals and shows to users how they can properly recycle more than 100 types of waste! Finally, the platform gives to the registered users the ability to report incidences regarding the waste collection in the two pilot areas namely in Seville, Spain and Chania, Greece.

The Life EWAS platform was developed under the EC funded Life Project titled “Efficient and sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction” started on 1st July 2014 and it is expected to finished on 31st March 2017. Partners of the Projects are Wellness Smart Cities S.L, Corporación de Empresas Municipales de Sevilla AIE, D-WASTE HELLAS LTD, Trans-Municipal Enterprise of Solid Waste Management D.E.D.I.S.A. S.A., ENT Environment and Management ( Serveis de Suport a la Gestió S.L.) , Limpieza Pública y Protección Ambiental, Sociedad Anónima Municipal (LIPASAM).

You can enter the Life EWAS Platform though the link socialplatform.life-ewas.eu


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