Asbestos: A verdict with worldwide consequences!
Grassroots Innovation Movements: a great new book!
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 3
Whenever I deal with innovation, I insist that technical innovation will be useless or event harmful if we can’t combine...
Do self-aware Robots deserve legal rights?
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 2
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already all around us; it conveniently serves us personalized internet adds, it composes music, it writes...
Creating a Wasteless Future: is it possible?
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 1
“I believe that the solution is outside of the resource and waste management world. We need a new economic...
A good intro to Circular Economy available in five languages for free!
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
It is my pleasure to publish the following post, prepared by Jonathan T. Scott, Founder/Director of the Center for Industrial Productivity...
ORBIT Conference 2012: Global assessment for organic resources and waste management
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 3
This is a contibution by Anne Trémier, a colleague I met during the Summer School on Biological and...
Towards a plastic bottled world?
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
The multidimensional plastic matrix is continuously expanding into the world’s most remote places I just tried to put in a...
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 1
I just came from Brazil where I was invited to deliver a lecture on “Recycling and personal behavior” during...
Social Media: surveillance is the new normal
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
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Here is a comment by George Sbokos, a lawyer specialized in environmentla issues:
"It must have been the third year of me practicing law. In front of the doctor's praxis, I was trying to recall how that art of cancer was called. Something like mesotheliom, which actually sounded very greek to me. That was one of the first meetings I made in solving a similar case of a former greek "gastarbeiter" in Germany's heavy indusrty.
Pleural Mesotheliom, commonly lung cancer caused by asbestos, actually by inhaling small particles of that stuff is well known in Germany because of the hundreds of compensation cases.
In the meetings followed, it became clear, that Europe?s developed North, automatically considers Pleural Mesotheliom as a "working decease" (to be distinguished from "working accident"). No court decision is needed. The patient after being diagnosed receives a lump sum of compensation immediately and a pension for the rest of his unfortunately short life. The pension continues for the living spouse.
The recognition of the decease has to be an achievement of a trade union movement like IG METAL or similar, known for its effectiveness in Germany.
In memory of Mr. Emmanuel, a proud gastarbeiter …