The notion of extending the human lifespan has captured imaginations for millennia. Among scientists, enthusiasm for the idea has...
Ocado has sent a self-driving truck trundling through the backstreets of south-east London, as part of the UK’s first trial...
Coffee machines frequently found in airports and offices were not merely enough to replace a traditional canteen or even...
Although aviation is a relatively small industry, it has a disproportionately large impact on the climate system. It accounts...
Food activists came up with the best way to denounce food waste; not wasting it! Adam Smith was working as...
Of course, in one or another way, all of us are involved in the huge problem of food waste...
I have written several times that due to the exponential technologies and the fourth industrial revolution, we are already...
Greenwich, London residents have officially begun receiving deliveries from autonomous, six-wheeled rolling cooler bots, which are handling the “last...
Innovation comes faster that we can follow it. I do believe that the era of decentralised neighbourhood or even...
Few days ago I published a blog about 3D printers and their impacts to recycling and waste management. But...
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