This is a post prepared by Richard Knaggs who is now working for Waste-Ex, a new platform that brings together buyers and sellers from the Waste, Recycling and Demolition sectors. Richard has worked in the waste and transport industry for many years. Prior to this, he was an agricultural contractor with a view to building and running his own gasification plant, and before that, he was working on a managerial level on the logistic side of things. He has also been involved in recycling operations, so there is no doubt that Richard knows some things about waste and resources. Read his thoughts on the necessity of platforms and learn about his new website that was just launched and offers free membership till 30th of June, 2017.

Time to go beyond local markets

waste-ex, platform, waste management, recycling, circular economy, wasteless future, marketing, demolition waste, business model, change, shift, software, website


“We are not yet at a wasteless future – despite all the efforts and inroads we are making. Until then, we are fundamentally obliged to do all we can to ensure that the waste we produce as a society is handled and treated with the best intentions possible. As the waste industry grows and taxes are increasing the cost of dumping waste into holes in the ground, we are finding more and more ways to divert away from landfill. Technology is improving to turn once unmanageable materials into profitable streams of income. Technology is expensive and can be a major expense if you cannot find an outlet for your newly ‘diverted-away-from-landfill’ materials. Or maybe you have an outlet. A single outlet that doesn’t leave you any scope for recouping the Capital Investment that you’ve committed to.

In our experience, the whole marketplace currently operates on a local basis. You get your materials or send your materials to the same place on a regular basis. There is nothing that allows people to seek alternatives to their current custom practices. It is our aim to broaden the marketplace. in Waste-Ex the business model is a relatively simple one. One website that allows users to register and list their requirements. Whether that’s an offering or a request for resources. With a history, predominately in transport and secondarily in waste I have seen that there’s always something that is the weak link in the chain. Be it a haulage company letting you down or a producer falling short on either the quality or the availability of material. Then there are sites that you want to get materials to. What happens to your material when that site closes for unforeseen reasons? How do you source alternatives?

Imagine a single source for information – who is looking for what and where. It’s a playing field leveler. All users have the same scope to see what is available and where the availability could be best placed rather than just sticking to what they usually do. This is what we are aiming for. We are currently in our primary stage and we are aggressively marketing the site with adverts in the trade press, we will have a presence at some of the trade shows in these coming months, we’ll be launching an email campaign and enhancing the site’s usability and creating more content to better the offer our website gives. It’s a learning curve that we are keen to develop with our clients. It’s for the clients so to an extent it should be by the clients.

There’s also the greener aspect too. Why ship all your plastics to China if there’s a closer solution on your doorstep. How can you be sure the materials you send anywhere are handled with the greatest of care? The less distance that you move your materials the less the environmental impact and the easier the audit trail becomes.

Imagine having greater control over the sale of your materials. Mr. A gives you £10pt and that’s always been the case. Enter Mr. B – he’s offering you £12pt. You’ve not been introduced to Mr. B before. And you’ve not met Miss C who might just offer £15pt if the material is clean and the right size (which it most definitely is). Now, what do you do? I would be having a chat with Mr. A.

Our primary objective at is to offer a marketing platform for people in the waste, recycling and demolition sectors. It allows users to advertise materials they have available to sell and also advertise materials they are looking for or have the ability to process. This opens up endless possibilities when it comes to gaining access to new suppliers and outlets on national and potentially international basis. Join Waste-Ex today and become a member of our growing community”


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