Surprise: the new 12-seats bus that is ready to offer on-demand pick-up services for up to 12 people, is not only self-driving but also 3D printed! The bus is named Olli and it has been developed by Local Motors, a pioneer in 3D printed cars. Olli has been designed to serve as an on-demand transportation option, like cars from Uber or Lyft, Olli would arrive to pick up riders after being called by a mobile app.

Olli is supported by IBM’s Watson that serves as a friendly interface between riders and the vehicle. John Rogers, Local Motor’s co-founder said that “We hope to be able to print this vehicle in about 10 hours and assemble it in another hour”. You can learn more about Olli and its operational ecosystem here.

You can read more about the revolution that 3D printers will bring in the car industry in my recent video “Henry Ford Vs 3D printers“. I would also suggest you to read the 10 ways 3D printed innovation disrupt the automotive industry. The future is here and it is going to run much faster that we think. Be calm and fasten your seatbelt.

self-driving, 3d printed, artificial intelligence, 4th industrial revolution


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