D-Waste is a company dedicated to create wasteless communities and circular loops that will stimulate new patterns for circular economy. D-Waste is looking for a Zero Waste Officer (ZWO) that will undertake the responsibility to coordinate a community towards waste prevention, reuse and advanced recycling and recovery patterns. The ZWO should be capable to understand both the technical and non-technical issues of waste management and recycling. Communication with citizens and public authorities and raising awareness will be an important part of the ZWO duties. The ZWO should be capable to learn fast and adapt in the local culture. The ZWO will be supported by a team of experts and funding in order to realise a Zero Waste Community. Excellence in English speaking and writing is a minimum requirement, fluency in Greek language is an asset. The project will be implemented in Greece within 2021 and it will last 10-18 months. If you are interested please submit
a. your CV by email to haris.kamariotakis@d-waste.com and nick.rigas@d-waste.com,
b. no more than 500 words with your vision about zero waste communities and the reasons we should prefer you #hiring #recycling #circulareconomy #zerowaste