ISWA has launched its global campaign for closing the world’s biggest dumpsites. The first part of this campaign is to collect support from scientists, municipalities and companies to a declaration that is going to be presented to UN. Join ISWA’s campaign and sign the declaration below by a simple click here. Please circulate the declaration to all your networks and ask your friends and colleagues to join this cause – for more read the President’s blog on 11 October 2016 and watch the great video here.
750 deaths related to dumpsites were registered within the first half of 2016, and in some parts of the world, including India, Indonesia and Philippines, the health impacts of dumpsites are worse than malaria.
4 billion tonnes of municipal waste is generated annually and a third of this is simply dumped. Unmanaged waste finds its way into rivers and oceans, being burnt in the open, or littering the streets and byways of townships and cities.
In a globalized and interconnected world, any pandemic related to dumpsites can easily become a global one. The world’s open dumpsites must be closed, for the health and wellbeing of not just the hundreds of millions directly affected by this shameful and polluting practice, but for the future of everyone on this planet. Dumpsites are causing a global health emergency, and there is an urgent need for a concerted international response.
We, the undersigned, declare our support for the closure of the world’s 50 largest dumpsites, as a starting point to drive the closure of all the dumpsites in the world by 2030. Achieving this goal will immediately improve the lives of 65 million people, and will help lift 10,000 children from squalid dumpsites into school.
Financing alternatives to dumpsites will substantially reduce climate change emissions, stem the tide of plastic that is destroying our oceans and improve the health and wellbeing of everyone on the planet. By replacing all open dumpsites with safe and sensible alternatives for managing waste, dependent communities will also benefit from improved education, training and employment.
A world without dumpsites will be a huge step towards the implementation of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals that have been agreed by 193 nations. Now is the time to work together, to protect people’s livelihoods and the environment they depend upon.
Please complete the form below to declare your support for ISWA’s campaign to close the world’s 50 biggest dumpsites!
I commit my full support for ISWA campaign to close the world’s 50 biggest dumpsites.