the electric light did not come

The 4th Industrial Revolution is already here and the waste management sector can’t escape the disruption ahead. Are we going to utilize it towards a circular economy or we will just accelerate resource depletion with advanced efficiency? Are we going to redesign products, business models and social practices or we are going to continue with fast food, fast fashion and built-in obsolescence? Are we going to rethink, reboot and remake the manufacturing and thus, the waste management sector too or we are going to simply watch new waves of exotic waste arriving and try to manage them with end of pipe solutions?

This is the challenge in for of the waste management and recycling industry, as I expressed it in my recent Disruptive Innovation Festival session. In this session, we  discussed the disruption that is already present in waste management,  the emerging  recycling patterns and the business models that are suitable for  thr 4th Industrial Revolution and it’s by-product,  circular economy.

In case you miss it, you can now watch the 56 minutes session video at this link. You can also register, if you want to access the comments made. The video will be available for the next 35 days.

I have to express my special thanks to the DIF organisers for their invitation and support, as well as to thanks the audience for the great questions that gave me the opportunity to clarify my views and ideas.


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