ISWA’s European Group is organising the event “Circular Economy: from Concepts to Projects“, in Brussels, on June 8th. In a period where circular economy becomes the policy cornerstone for waste and resource management, ISWA’s European Group opens the discussion on two hot-issues.

  • The role and potential of Secondary Raw Material Markets in the European Circular Economy.
  • The relation of residual waste treatment to Circular Economy, including synergies, problems and policies.

The event will host two sessions. The first one regards the policies and measures required to boost the development of proper secondary materials’ markets in the EU. The second one concerns the role of residual waste treatment in the circular economy strategy. Topics will include Mechanical  -Biological Treatment and Waste to Energy (WtE), energy efficiency, capacities and their distribution. Emphasis will be given to the recent EC communication on the role of WtE in relation to the waste hierarchy. Each session, roughly two hours, will feature a panel discussion followed by open Q&A session with the audience.

The conference will take place from 9.30 to 17.30 at Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels.

Please notice that due to the limited number of participants, there is a need for registration. Participants are requested to register on time at the event’s website.

CU there!


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