Indigenous Peruvians have deployed drones to show the world the truth about toxic pollution in the Amazon. This is...
Two weeks ago, California regulators unveiled revised rules that would allow self-driving cars to travel the state’s highways without...
Ocado has sent a self-driving truck trundling through the backstreets of south-east London, as part of the UK’s first trial...
Last September, a few lucky Virginia Tech students sat on a special kiosk in the university campus and watched as...
Greenwich, London residents have officially begun receiving deliveries from autonomous, six-wheeled rolling cooler bots, which are handling the “last...
ISWA recently launched the first global survey that aims to examine the attitudes of the waste management sector towards...
The 4th Industrial Revolution is already here and the waste management sector can’t escape the disruption ahead. Are we...
Webinar, 14 November, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT: 4th Industrial Revolution meets Waste Management
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 1I am happy to invite you to a live open-mic session with the title “Fasten your seatbelt! 4th Industrial Revolution...
Microsoft has made a major breakthrough in speech recognition, creating a technology that recognizes the words in a conversation...
The waste industry — which tends to be old-fashioned and “stuck in traditional ways” of operation — is bound...
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