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“The first industrial revolution urbanization wave shaped what we call “western civilization” – the current tsunami of rural to urban migration will reshape the whole planet”
“By the end of the current industrial revolution the term “waste” will have been completely redefined, as it was done during the previous industrial revolutions”
“You can’t understand circular economy out of the context of the fourth industrial revolution”
“Mobile and web apps provide the opportunity to make knowhow available to anyone that needs them. It is the first time we can have waste management for everyone”
“Dumpsites are a global health emergency”
“International Development Assistance for waste management needs to multiply urgently to deal with the growing tsunami of waste.”
“Globalisation creates its own footprint in each and every local waste management system”
“Waste management systems aren’t only about huge infrastructure and public money, as they are usually considered – they are mainly about social patterns, culture, behaviour, consumption, institutions and neighbourhoods.”
“If the future is urban, then megacities, through their intense and continuous human interaction, will deliver new, unimaginable solutions to the unimaginable problems they face.”
“It doesn’t matter if zero waste is possible or not – after all, alchemy was impossible and yet delivered the foundation of chemistry.”