The pace of change during the 4th industrial revolution is so fast that we need to step back and see the whole picture in order to understand the disruption ahead. Digital manufacturing, artificial intelligence, new sensors, robotics and driverless cars converge with the circular economy shift and create a new unmapped landscape. And this is just the beginning of the 4th industrial revolution. There are 10 trends that will reshape the waste management and recycling industry. The best is coming: the terms waste and recyclables will be completely redefined as it happened during all the industrial revolutions. Get more details in my recent brief that is available at Wasteless Future Resources. In a glance: the era of disruption is coming much faster that we think – we have to be prepared for a rapid, radical and game-changing transformation of the waste management and recycling industry. We have to redefine waste management and recycling during the 4th industrial revolution.
From waste bins to recycling drones!
Disruption is only the beginning: let’s meet Rubicon
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
I have been informed about Rubicon as soon as it was created by some good friends from the US....
The horse manure crisis and the 4th Industrial Revolution – Part 1
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 3
In 1898 the first international urban planning conference convened in New York. One topic dominated discussion: manure. Cities all...
OnePlus, Nintendo smartphone and Microsoft Lumia 950 : why the term waste is already redefined!
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 3
Just have a look at the speed with which new, unbelievable powerful mobile phones are arriving. 1. Chinese company OnePlus...
Revolutionizing Recycling Pick by Pick
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
My readers know well that I follow closely the emergence of robots as the new cornerstone of recycling and...
Waste is Information! A great new book
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 1
I exchanged some emails with Dietmar Offenhuber few years ago, when I was trying to persuade Carlo Ratti to...
Circular economy and technology
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 3
Source: Tim Heffernan, This is the third post regarding circular economy. In my first one (see here) I argued that...
HomeBiogas: the household food waste treatment plant!
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
I am following for several months the company HomeBiogas, a revolutionary backyard appliance that transforms leftover food-waste into biogas, capable for...
Trash Dump Photographer: as rare as Timothy Bouldry
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 0
When I recently visited ISWA’s Scholarship children in Managua (see my October 11, 2016 blog) I had the opportunity...
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