It really is good to see that you have some realists contributing to your Blog.

Yes maybe we do or maybe we don’t have a climate change agenda that needs to be addressed but to address that does come at a cost. So should we as is being required by the EU and the member states borrow money from the banks that either don’t have any or are reluctant to lend us money and then find that we don’t have the resources to pay it back.

Me (cynic) of simple mind just sees this as creating further financial turmoil over what has yet to be conclusively proven to be a problem. Clearly the deeper we go into financial crisis the greater the chance that we won’t be able to achieve carbon reductions in any event so just let us all hope that someone somewhere can see the reality that we are all faced with and sit back and put their requirements into the context of the real world that we all live in.

Festive greetings to all your readers.

1 Comment
  1. Andrew Kouskouris 16 years ago

    Dear Antonis,
    I fully agree with Derec because without money couldn’t contribute seriously in reducing CO2 emissions ,because it is a matter of energy.
    I would propose to include in the agenda the impacts of climate change in waste management facilities and not only the anthropogenic impacts to climate change. We must end up to cost of impacts in the climate change. If you agree we could contribute on that issue and after some time of work (postings) to make a guide for your members of your blog as well as to propose it to different organizations . I think EU Commission could fund important concepts which might be implemented.

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