This is a part of my lecture during the opening ceremony of ISWA’s Annual Congress in Kuala Lumpur (22/10/2018)....
Archive for category: resource management
What will be the benefits if we recycle 100% of the recyclables inside the waste streams? What Recycling means...
The 4th Industrial Revolution goes on and its impacts are becoming gradually an integral part of our daily experiences....
This a post written by Adam Read, External Affairs Director of SUEZ UK. I follow Adam for many years...
Fifty years ago, on April 4, 1968, as Martin Luther King was getting ready for dinner, he was shot...
This is a post by Luc De Rooms. Luc, who has written again for my blog, has 35 years experience...
Today I have the honour to post a piece by Ad Lansink, the famous inventor of the waste hierarchy...
Today I have the pleasure to publish a short but thought – provoking post from my good friend Simon...
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other digital currencies have caused a financial frenzy. But they have also stimulated a very...
Humans have long discovered the multiple uses of animal excrements. They have been using manure as fertilizer or fuel...
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