Humans have long discovered the multiple uses of animal excrements. They have been using manure as fertilizer or fuel...
Archive for category: Food Waste
I am following for several months the company HomeBiogas, a revolutionary backyard appliance that transforms leftover food-waste into biogas, capable for...
When George Clooney became the face of Nespresso’s coffee pods in 2006, it spelled the beginning of a...
Today, more than 40 million people, mostly in USA and Ireland, celebrate St Patrick’s Day. So, I would like to...
The Bioelektra pilot plant in Rozanki in West-Poland has been operational for nine months now. It treats unsorted municipal...
This is a post written by Domantas Tracevicius who is involved a lot in waste recycling, sewage sludge management and...
Today, I am happy to publish a contribution by Ramy Salemdeeb, a resource efficiency and waste management consultant at Ricardo Energy...
A book about a Wasteless Future is coming – it will have your footprint too!
Antonis Mavropoulos, , 6Dear friends, this is an open letter to everyone who is interesting about the subject. As I have already...
When we discuss Circular Economy, most of the times, the discussion is about global supply chains and the substantial...
I love infographics and I believe they are one of the best ways to say a lot with a...
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