I have a great suggestion for each and everyone involved in garden compost making. If you want to combine the art of compost making with the scientific knowledge on biodegradation, then Jane Gilbert’s book “The Composting Troubleshooter – How to Compost and What to Do if it Goes Wrong” is what you are looking for. The book is available at Amazon in a very good price(5.5 dollars for the paperback) for the value offered.

Jane Gilbert, the author of this book, is an organic resources expert, currently working as an independent consultant for her company, Carbon Clarity. Prior to this, Jane managed the former UK Composting Association / Association for Organics Recycling for nine years. I was happy to meet and cooperate with her for the last two years, as she is also the Vice-Chair of ISWA’s Working Group on Biological Treatment of Waste.

Jane has written a very informative and hands-on book, a book that contains everything you need to know for managing a wide range of different composting problems. I enjoyed reading this book because it is well written, with a lot of tables and boxes that help the reader to organize the know-how offered. I also found very useful and practical the Look-Up Troubleshooter Guide and the detailed further reading  suggestions of Chapter 9 (titled Want to learn more?).

As a final remark, I will copy from the preface of the book Jane’s words.

“This book is for anyone who has tried composting and perhaps given up, or is currently composting but is not entirely sure whether it’s working as it should. If you’ve never composted and are thinking of giving it a go, then this book will help propel you up the learning curve, saving you time and hours of frustration”.

Enjoy it.


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