Dear friends, this is an open letter to everyone who is interesting about the subject.
As I have already announced in a recent post in Linkedjn, I am preparing a book regarding the potential of a Wasteless Future and the transformation of the traditional waste management and recycling industry due to the exponential technologies.
In this book I am writing about the main challenges for the waste management and recycling industry. Unlike a lot of people I believe that the big problems and the big opportunities are not so much connected with the Circular Economy but with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Actually I always explain that what we call Circular Economy is one of the many by-products of the current industrial revolution. I insist that it is impossible to isolate Circular Economy from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We need to get the whole picture of the forest and not focus on the trees in front of us, or even worst at the low hanging fruits of them. And, definitely, we require a Circular Economy with a positive social footprint.
The book will describe the impacts that the exponential technologies will have on the waste management and recycling industry. It will include chapters and paragraphs for drones, 3D printers, robotics, artificial intelligence, new materials and interconnectivity. It will explain the new types of waste we need to deal with. It will include examples of the thousands of the companies and laboratories and universities that are already trying to apply the exponential technologies in the waste problematics. And, of course, it will focus on the need for innovation. Above all, the book will highlight the opportunity for a Wasteless Future and the barriers involved. Because I do believe that we are in front of a historical era where change will be the only constant.
Actually my message for the industry is very simple: no exponential innovation – no party! And this is where I need your help, I need everyone’s advice and suggestions. I would like to write as many examples as possible about the current innovative efforts in place, I would like to talk with the innovators that are already trying to reshape the industry, either through better design, or using advanced software to automate processes, or preparing the next generation of sensors, or trying to create new business models suitable for food waste reduction, or using drones to monitor waste management, or using robotics for waste management etc. Of course, I have some ideas about people and entities that are dealing with innovative projects, but every single piece of advice, every link or email provided will be more than valuable for my effort.
So, I decided that the book will have a chapter about the innovation in place now and it will list al the innovative efforts I will be able to find, with your precious support and help. Each and everyone that will help me on this task will be personally mentioned in the book, with his credentials of course.
So, please, start now with the easiest way. Send me an email to or contact me through the Wasteless Future Contact button or send me a message to my Facebook, Linkedjn or Twitter accounts.
Even better, bring me in contact with people that are already working in similar efforts. In the next months, there will be several blog posts that will present innovative approaches, so anyone who is interested to write a post about specific innovative initiatives is more than welcomed.
If you are already working in an innovative project involving exponential technologies or redesign of products or use of web based tools or you are dealing with new types of waste or you are trying to resolve a problem with an innovative way please contact me – my blog is open to host your ideas and projects
Let’s make innovation the main rule for the waste management and recycling industry. Waiting for your response. The more the better!
I have invented food waste management machines through application of indirect thermal energy. This is non-burn technology. End product can be used as soil nutrient or fuel source as the process does not destroy calorific value or soil nutrient qualities of treated waste. It can also be used for other bio-degradable components of municipal waste. If interested please send me an inquiry on my email.
Please send me a blog post about it at
Count with me! tell how can I help?
My company USE-IT is a multi award winner in green innovation and I have plenty of success stories to share with you and the readers of this book. Please include me, I would love to contribute
I will gladly do it – please contact me directly at my email
Unfortunately I am no innovator and don’t have many stories to tell but if I can help in any way with proof reading/editing/sounding board please count me in.